
Key Figures for Escort workers


I was recently discussing the subject of sex work with some of my friends, and we were debating the moral rightness of it, endlessly quoting religious scriptures. My sister also asked me to write a post about the moral righteousness of prostitution and why it should be legalized. But what does morality even mean? Who can define it? Why are they authorized to do so? Too much headache for my headache.

So I decided to take a somewhat unusual route to analyze the profession of sex work. Very often we struggle to define the word “entrepreneur” without referring to Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Fred Swaniker, Strive Masiyiwa, Tony Elumelu, etc. Sex workers are also entrepreneurs. They create something out of nothing. They may not be creating JOBS, but they are creating JOBS. They – at least the successful ones – are also more business savvy than we give them credit for.

How so?

Sex workers are active producers/sellers.
Most entrepreneurs these days struggle to understand the complexities. through marketing to simply entice customers to buy their product or service. That’s fine, but it becomes a noose around their necks if that’s all they depend on.
Successful sex workers don’t wait for clients to come to them. they dress up, make up and show up. Those who stand by the wayside are still learning the “tricks of the trade.” Professional sex workers already have a hardcover client phone book and can make “bookings” from the comfort of their beds and make “sales” later in the evening, making far more in a day than some white-collar workers. per month.

Sex workers are masters of profit maximization
Most working people know P.A.Y.E. (pay as you earn). It’s basically a euphemism for having your income reduced by paying taxes every month. We all have to be good citizens by lining the pockets of thieves in high political office, right? But that’s a discussion for another day.
But guess whose income isn’t taxed? Yes, you guessed it. SEX WORKERS! This is why the government and law enforcement hate them so much. They can’t put their greedy hands in the pockets of sex workers (not literally, of course). So this whole “profit after tax” business idea is as foreign to prostitutes as I am to Latin. Sex workers enjoy full benefits.

They understand the “hustle”
Prostitution is not easy, don’t mess with it. I heard stories of young women and men who engaged in sex work just to support their families, pay for their schooling, raise money to pay for the care of their loved ones, etc. It is a profession that is mostly driven by pain, sorrow and desire. So it is very easy to complain or “want to quit”, but most sex workers fully understand the clichéd but relevant principle “do what you have to do until you can afford to do what you love”. They keep pushing. They grind! Literally and metaphorically. They are ready for the constant turmoil of this commodity-based world. Do you have?

Their work drives innovation
Yes, I said “innovation”. What drives innovation? Competition, right? This is what capitalism is built on. The philosophy promotes competition by creating innovation. Sex work is also built on it. There are so many sex workers out there and in order for one to “stand out” they have to outdo the others in their area. From small innovations like wearing a sparkly dress (at 3am on the road) while others wear black, to more complex innovations like creating a shoppable dress, you get one free business model. Prostitution continues to evolve as more and more people enter the profession. How can we learn from them and start innovating in our business areas to beat the competition and increase market share? Eyy Don’t Look At Me; This is a conversation you need to have with founders and leaders… Bye.

Sex workers constantly apply the stickiness factor
I first learned about the stickiness factor in Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point and thought to myself, Oh, Arinzé, this that shit is complicated as hell. It’s easy to read, but how do you use it? Well, until I started to wonder how easily sex workers get it. Simply put, stickiness means keeping people coming back for more. Now do you see what the sex workers did there? I thought so.
Successful sex workers are those who have many clients. Not surprisingly, more than 80% of them succeed, but not enough. Therefore, prostitutes try to leave a mark on their customers to create a culture of loyalty and get themselves into the minds of their customers. This saves them the trouble of “conquering new lands”, although that is not a bad thing.

They generate massive wealth for shareholders
It is argued that the main purpose of any company is to create wealth for its shareholders. basically making the owners rich! Most companies have several (in some cases even hundreds) of shareholders. So when a company makes a profit, it must be shared among all owners who receive a dividend. Guess how long it will take them to pay off their initial investment? Well, long enough. But in the case of sex workers, they are almost always the sole shareholders. Thus, they are masters not only of maximizing profits but also of preserving wealth. They almost always recoup their initial investment within a day. Well, these people are businessmen on steroids! Applause! Free Porn site for your fantasy

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